We were all settled, things were going great, now at the start of this story you may recall my mentioning of my daughter Crazy jane's odd behaviours, mannerisms etc, yes is life ever going to give us a break, no no it isn’t, and here is why.
From the day Crazy jane was born, she never settled, she had chronic reflux (never diagnosed nor explained nor treated) You know when you have your first baby, your expected to be clueless, over paranoid, over anxious, yes I was assumed to be all of the above. Now I’m no expert by any means but considering I worked in childcare for years before my daughter was born, lived with my nephew from the day he was born, I would consider myself fairly well up on babies and children, again not an expert but fairly knowledgeable.
The health nurse taught it was strange for Crazy jane to be puking so much day and night, doctor did not, reflux, she’ll grow out of it, yes but is there anything you can give her, no she’ll be fine. Crazy jane also became prone to coughing all hours of the night, chest infections, throat infections, is this normal, yes comes with teeth. Ok I know babies suffer viral infections when teething but was this not extreme, was this not way too frequent? Ah of coarse, I forgot, I was a neurotic first time mum, silly me.
My niece had been diagnosed asthmatic, she had the same symptoms as Crazy jane, I am also asthmatic, and my husband has chronic asthma, the worst kind. Ok I’m not being neurotic, I want ventolin syrup for my daughter thank you very much, doctor did not give it to me, ah my sister gave me a bottle she had spare. Low and behold, Crazy jane coughing at night cleared and ok the insomniac still did not sleep but she diddnt cough and puke as much. Oh yes, Crazy jane was an insomniac from birth, almost forgot that part.
Crazy jane went on to develop at normal milestones, ok slightly ahead of time but not mind bogglingly ahead of time. Crazy jane could talk the hind legs off a donkey when she was 2 and a half, but crazy jane could also kick like a donkey at two and a half, and bite, pinch, slap, scream, ok you get the picture. Crazy jane was a very strange 2 year old, wow, shed stop you in your tracks with her strange carry on. Crazy jane would puzzle me; this child loved to swim in wide open pools, yet would not go in a bath. Crazy jane would manage on 2 hours sleep a night, her food had to be white in colour, yogurt, cheese, bread, milk, pasta, all white, Now she still had reflux at this stage so cleaning plain puke was a bonus I must say. Crazy jane would tantrum until blue in the face em yep all 2 year olds do, but then when you taught it was resolved shed go and tantrum again, just for the hell of it, sure why not.
Shopping anyone?? Sliding doors, escalators, crowded small shops anyone?? Yep she hated them all, but yet with the promise of a visit to the crèche, she sailed on through those sliding doors, ok she was scared shitless but she braved it up for a trip to the crèche. Now call me a neurotic first time mum but normal? No taught you’d say that. Now if that wasn’t enough since when do you have to be overly specific to a 2.5 year old child, I mean really specific, oh and I was Maddie and DH was DH, no Crazy jane, my name is mammy, no your name is Maddie, no Crazy jane mammy, no Susan’s mammy, your Maddie, why Crazy jane, cause your name is Maddie, ok Hun, Maddie it is, u know what that argument wasn’t worth it, the child was in fact right, my name was Maddie, I was not christened Mammy.
Oh dear lord, the child will do nothing, nothing. ahhhhh but she will clean up her toys, and she will wash her hands every five minutes. Oh and chemistry buff at the age of 3, lets pour shampoo, shower gel, a bar of soap down the loo and flush, yayyyyyy foam party woo hoo. You see crazy jane never craved attention, she was way too busy being a destructive little devil, I was her tool to do things that she knew she could not do for herself. Independence was her middle name.
When Crazy jane turned 4 she some what settled, yet she was mentally and physically exhausting, she was a head melt, I would be in pain by the time bed time came, absolute pain. Now for a child that was so independent, she loved cuddles, she loved rough play, she loved sitting reading a book with me, how odd, how does she remember that, when did we last read that book, adds on the telly, she knew off by heart, but I don’t even know that add, songs on the radio, off by heart. Now I know kids aren’t meant to like the word NO, but Crazy jane was allergic to it. WTF child, I said NO, but why, because I said so, yea but why, grrrrrrrr get out before I murder you child. Yea that’s how it went lol.
Ok school starts, Crazy jane is 4, you see in playschool Crazy jane manipulated things so that she got one on one attention, she diddnt really do groups, in fact she really diddnt do groups, she was great at charming the socks off the adults, she got what she wanted, when she wanted, men were suckers to her, woman saw right through her. You see, Crazy jane failed to realise that other people existed, that there were topics of conversation other to what she wanted to talk about, you see crazy jane lived and still lives in Crazy janeland.
Crazy janeland is a wonderful place, its full of fluffy puppies, kittens, bunnies, ah all things wonderful, Crazy jane is their leader, yes, she is the queen and ruler, animals cant talk back :)) ah but they can bite :))
School was a strange but nice place for Crazy jane, she worked the charm on her teacher, a very young girl who loved her job, you see Crazy jane was very quit, you would forget she was in the room, was how she was described to me, she is so shy and timid, even in the yard ?? I’m sorry, shy, timid, are you sure; no I’m Crazy jane’s mum. Yes shy and timid, polite, mannered, eager to work, does get distracted but never lost in conversation. Ok well she’s doing great in school so no worries :))
Crazy jane turns 6, still shy and timid?? Gets distracted easy, hard to keep focused, is so quiet you would forget she was in the room (again, that comment troubled me) still wont really join in at yard time?? Still not participating in class discussions?? Takes conversation literal and concrete?? ok so now I’m troubled, especially since I started working and studying in the area of special needs and behaviours, developmental psychology etc yes I’m sorry but that’s odd, crazy jane was academically doing well but not in maths, her mathematics were extremely week.
Age 7: We think she could have ADD. Now you remember from my early posts I was moving county. I already had suspicions about my baby boy Mr fabulous, Ok I need recommendations for new school in New county. All was given, forwarded on and received. Many conversations back and forth to new school, Crazy jane receives a glowing character reference from her School principle and teacher. They wished Crazy jane all the best, she would be missed.
We move, we settle some what, Crazy jane starts school. Things are not going so great; Crazy jane was missing Dublin so badly. She made friends here but missed home. I taught give her time god love her, Dublin was all she knew, this county is way too new to her. Crazy jane was more and more withdrawn every day, my poor baby girl, well with all this going on with MR FABULOUS she is feeling left out and lonely. But she’s not i don’t think, you see what was happening with Mr fabulous did not really register with Crazy jane as it was not a Crazy janeland topic. I’m confused, ahhhh she tells me, mum cant you have more than one friend, yes honey you can, then why is Rosie being like that with me, hold up, back up and start from the start Crazy jane, she explains all, crazy jane is caught up in a dominant friend situation, 2 dominant girls but only one can have her. Crazy jane pushed the girl in the school yard as the girl had pulled her hair, now Crazy jane is a soft kind natured girl, but she’s a dub, you don’t push me and walk away from me, she will stand up for herself if she feels threatened enough. Crazy jane was accused of being a bully. Ah now, hold on, not a hope, now I’m not one of those mothers who thinks the sun shines out of my kids ass, I know it doesn’t but a bully, now you can go and shite with that one.
I spoke to her teacher, oh my god, Crazy jane a bully, by no means Maddie, she is being over powered by 2 dominant girls if anything, yes I taught so, well now I very happily told the mother of the other child, you might want to go speak to your child and get the real story before you call my child a bully. Now remember all this going on with Mr fabulous so I was in no way going to put up with the stupidity of someone I did not have to, The next day I’m standing in the yard waiting to collect Crazy jane, I hear her screaming, oh my god that’s crazy jane, I ran, just as I tried to go in the mother of the other child came out, and accosted me, she stood right in front of me with her face in mine. Now girls, I’ve done martial arts since I was a nipper, well, I automatically wanted to hit her, but I was in a school yard and I have more respect for my self and the kids coming out of school, I tell the mum. I say what did you do to my daughter, well what did she do, she walked up to Crazy jane on her way down the corridor to come home, and threatened Crazy jane with bla bla's
Now I’ve had enough, I’ve blown a fuse; I go to the police station and report the school and the woman. Then it appears this child Rosie’s dad is a prison warden. Crazy jane went mental as we approached the police station, lets go home, she screamed, dragged me to the car, she was frantic, what is wrong with you, we have to go, we have to get daddy and Mr fabulous and go, Crazy jane what’s wrong, I have to go in here, no me and Mr fabulous will be put in a home and you and daddy in prison. WHAT Jesus Crazy jane will you stop, no no we have to go, it turns out Rosie had said these very words to Crazy jane, that if you don’t play with me and do what I want you to do, my daddy will put your mum and dad in prison and you and Mr fabulous will be put in a home, now most kids would say, would you ever go and F**k off you mad cow, not my daughter, you see Crazy jane takes everything you say literally and concrete. I finally get into the police station and make my complaint, it was dealt with and I was on the hunt for a new school for Crazy jane.
Jen said...
What horrible things to come out of a childs mouth and be said to another child, the mind boggles!!
December 14, 2009 9:17 AM
Petunia said...
What a terrible thing for a child to say to your little girl, but the mothers reaction was even worse. I'm not surprised you made an official complaint and moved her to a new school. Poor kid :( xx
December 14, 2009 12:18 PM
i said...
you dont know the half of it, but you will soon xxx
December 14, 2009 12:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Lovin the blog Maddy - jesus your one in a million fair playto you, truly an inspiration to us all - kep it up girl.... you should write a book seriously I am sure there are loads of people out there sruggling and not knowing anything about it???
December 14, 2009 12:41 PM
Anonymous said...
haha, Crazy jane land strikes??
December 14, 2009 12:41 PM
Anonymous said...
oh maddy i think it would interest alot of people, sometimes just to know that theres others goin' thru what ur goin thru can be a great support & if u enjoy writing it then everyones a winner....go for it!
December 14, 2009 12:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Jesus Maddy great story poor Crazy jane she is sooo cute - ya shuda punched the wagon in the face what a cow. Glad Crazy jane ok now and happy
December 14, 2009 12:43 PM
Anonymous said...
love the bloggin', u really are very brave and strong and a great inspiration! u should be very proud of urself x.
December 14, 2009 1:05 PM
Andra said...
Great blog Maddy, keep going and be proud of yourself. xx
December 14, 2009 2:10 PM
Autimom said...
love reading your blogs maddy well done you, your anamazing mom and your dead right to stand up to for your kids xx
December 15, 2009 7:20 PM
jazzygal said...
Great blog Maddy....well done! I've just caught up and I'm hooked already!
You've been through so much. And poor, poor Crazy jane. What a horrible thing to happen to her. It is such a worry the bullying that goes on. But that other child didn't lick it off the stones did she?!!!
You say you did martial arts. I wonder if thta's something that Crazy jane might enjoy?? WiiBoy does tae kawndo and really enjoys it. Good O.T. too;)) xx Jazzy
December 16, 2009 1:33 PM
i said...
thanks jazzy
she does enjoy martial arts, how shes able to throw a punch or two when the going gets tough lol, but not in a group, she does it one on one with me teaching her, just like everything else she does, one on one lol, but yes she does enjoy it but takes her a while to learn the technique, think thats why she wont do the class, but i enjoy teaching as its just me and her and i love it xxxxx
December 17, 2009 3:03 AM
Anonymous said...
hahahaha crazy janeland
love it xx
i remember that incident, crazy people down there
A xx
January 6, 2010 3:54 AM
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