Were home, all my friends and family around me, I’m in tatters, i hate hospitals, Mr fabulous born Friday 28th of July and 9.30 am, I am home Sunday the 30th of July at 12.45 pm. Yes yes i know, how the hell did I manage that, well I suffer from depression and as my thyroid and b12 had dipped so badly I was starting to feel low, I was in a place I hate, hospital, I wanted to be home with my baby girl who I was missing so badly, I wanted to be in the same bed as my hubby in my own home, the nurses knew I was getting down so I begged them to let me home, they said if I could walk unaided (just after a section) from my bed to the corridor I could go home, well by Jesus did I do it, agonising pain but I bloody did it, so home I went.
My hyper niece whom I love and adore came running to hug me, aghhhhh no no, don’t run, if she had of fell on me I was a gonner, could have back in the hospital split in two, oh Jesus am I mental, was this really a good idea, ah yea lol. I survived, I walked like a snail and yelped once or twice but I was home, but how odd, Mr fabulous was sooooo quiet, he slept and slept, child you need a bloody bottle, wake up, I had to wake him up for his feed, this baby is soooo cool, he sleeps all day and most of the night.
Mr fabulous had jaundice as was born 10 days early but could that be why he was so sleepy, yes of coarse it was, wasn’t it. My sister gave him his first bath, she was so nervous as he was soooo tiny. Ah he does make noise, he screamed his head off, he didn’t like the bath. He christened my sister, he pood on her hand when she took him out of the bath, we all fell round laughing, ah more tears he doesn’t like noisy laughing. He was always flinching while in his sleep at noise, like he was hyper sensitive to it, didn’t wake him up thoe.
Now this was my first baby boy, but I’ve changed my fair share of baby boys nappies in my time, is his little balls supposed to be so big, hmmmm maybe its just me. Mr fabulous also had a hernia on his bellybutton, but that’s quite common for boys and fades gradually. As the 4th week approaching I asked my mum who was back up for a visit, mum should a babies ball sack be so big, I don’t know she said, well mum you did have 3 boys, yes she said but many moons ago, I don’t think so. Sandra arrives, strange request Sandra but could you look at Mr fabulous’s privates and see if you think it’s too big, oh god yes, what’s that about I wonder. I go to the doctor, Mr fabulous has a leaking hernia, it happens the doctor said, don’t worry, needs to be monitored and if not cleared after a year, a little op to repair the leak, yep fine I can live with that.
Over the next 2 weeks, were is my stern babies smiles and gurgles, its 6 weeks mister, what’s up, I grow concerned but I don’t panic, its still early days. The 6 week check up with my doctor arrives. Plenty of smiles and noises asks the doctor, well no actually, none, now my doctor knows me very well and knew I had studied developmental milestones etc, Maddie are you sure, yes very sure, give it a few more weeks, he could be just lazy and late to start. I get home and say it to my mum and sister, oh no, actually Maddie, he doesn’t smile yet, your right. I think I new then that I was looking at autism to be honest; you see there is a strong genetic factor of autism in my family.
As time went by and Mr fabulous became more and more obviously autistic to me I think I just accepted it and got on with it, I knew this day was coming, I was prepared since I was 3 months pregnant. The months went on, Mr fabulous still had no smiles, did not look to be cuddled, did not crave affection and attention, he took it but didn’t want or need it. he failed 2 hearing tests, was not sitting up, crawling, responding to name, was upset at any noise and too many people in the room, he slept like a log and napped frequently throughout the day, you know you would almost forget he was there he was that quiet. He also liked his bath water way too hot for his baby skin, he loved deep pressure baby massage, considering he did not crave interaction I found this unusual but great for me as I could bond with him while doing it.
We decided to move when Mr fabulous was 8 months old, we sold very quickly and all went really well with the sale. While packing up our boxes and sealing them with package tape I noticed something so odd, Mr fabulous went off his head when he heard package tape being used, he absolutely hated the noise of it, to the extent that we had to ask my neighbour to mind him in her house while we sealed the boxes.
By the time we moved Mr fabulous had turned 1, he was such a happy baby in his own company, he lived in his own world and done his own thing, he didn’t cry and moan, he just pottered about doing his thing. He has some words, Crazy Jane, light, mamma dada, nana and Ryan. He still did not walk but did go around upright on his knees; he had a walker so he was very happy to be in it.
I got to know several really good people in my new area, I made friends quite quickly. I took Mr fabulous to a toddler group, well he hated it, he would force himself into a coma like sleep to shut out everyone and everything but I persisted and made him go. At 18 months Mr fabulous had started to walk around the furniture, the only problem is that he was on his tip toes, ouch, that has to hurt I taught to my self, what is going on there. I asked the public health nurse to call in and do a developmental check on him, there it was, plain as day, Autism. My self and my hubby went into to web surfing overdrive, yes Autism
Jean said...
wow...maddy you were so in tune with mr fabulous from conception. Him and Crazy Jane are lucky kids xxx
December 12, 2009 3:47 PM
Jen said...
Your experience really stood to you here. The King was an extremely fussy baby, never slept, hit his milestones on time so we didn't have any questions, until he 'lost' his words. I wonder sometimes if I had a bit more knowledge would I have spotted it earlier, you were really on the ball with the massage etc. Well done you :)
December 12, 2009 3:56 PM
Petunia said...
Well done on catching on so early Maddy. It's amazing how we all know quite early on that something isn't quite right but are able to push it to the back of our minds until we are ready to deal with it. xxx
December 13, 2009 9:39 AM
Anonymous said...
WOW Maddy - Ava has so so so many of the same traits! Great reading that - really is - its not all in my head!!!
December 14, 2009 12:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Great blog, hun xx
December 14, 2009 12:52 PM
Anonymous said...
yea but we were all missing you and the kids up here, miss you terrible hun xx
A xx
January 6, 2010 4:00 AM
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